5 Common Products That May Increase Risk Of Cancer

Acrylamide forms when foods are cooked at high temperatures.

Coal tar, also known as charcoal oil, comes from processing coal. It’s considered a carcinogen, which means it can cause cancer.

Cancer is a serious illness with a high chance of death. A 2024 report from the National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research shows that in 2022, India had 1.4 million new cases of cancer. That’s about one in every nine people. Besides smoking and drinking, there are other chemicals in our daily lives that can increase the risk of cancer over time. What’s important right now is to learn about these chemicals and be careful before buying anything.

Coal Tar

Coal Tar, also known as charcoal oil, comes from processing coal. It’s considered a carcinogen, which means it can cause cancer. It’s often found in cosmetics and skincare items like hair dye and shampoo. Using products with coal tar a lot can increase the risk of cancers in the lungs, kidneys, bladder, and digestive system. Groups like the EPA, IARC and EPA have warned about this chemical. So, before you buy skin care products, check how many chemicals they contain.


Parabens are chemicals used to stop cosmetic products from going bad for a long time. They’re often in soaps, shampoos, shaving stuff, and processed foods. Studies show parabens can mess with hormones and make it harder to have babies. They also raise the risk of breast cancer. To stay safe, choose products labelled paraben-free.


Formaldehyde is a colourless gas used in constructing buildings, making car parts, producing clothes and creating pesticides. According to the IARC, it can cause cancer in humans. So, always check furniture for formaldehyde before purchasing it.


Phthalates are chemicals that are added to synthetic fragrances to make them last longer. They are found in perfumes, hair sprays, nail polish, and air fresheners. Studies have found that they can cause allergies, disrupt hormones, and increase the risk of breast cancer. To keep yourself safe, choose brands and products that list their ingredients, so you can be sure they’re safe to use.


Acrylamide is a chemical that forms when foods are cooked at high temperatures, like frying or baking. Research on animals suggests it can cause cancer, and it might affect humans too. Since obesity is considered the second leading cause of cancer after smoking, it’s wise to steer clear of foods that contain acrylamide. Always do your research before buying any product, because your health comes first.

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