Countries where abortion is legal

This article is written by Nishka Kamath. It is an endeavour to describe the legality of abortion across countries around the world. It also has an overview of the history of abortion, along with a brief overview of the opinions of individuals on legalising abortion.

Hi there! You might have read or heard about the heated Roe v. Wade debate where the US criminalised abortion all over again; however, the US is not the only country in the world to do so. Each country has its own specific legislation and procedure to deal with the right of women to have a safe abortion. Mentioned below is a brief overview of the legality of abortion in about 200 countries across the globe. 

These facts are based on information from:

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  1. Centre for Reproductive Rights, 
  2. The Guttmacher Institute, 
  3. The World Health Organization and Reuters, etc.

If you are interested in reading about abortion laws across the world, go ahead and read this extensive piece! 

Historically speaking, abortion was introduced for 3 main reasons:

  1. Abortion was quite dangerous and abortionists were taking the lives of women; hence, laws had a public health intention to safeguard the lives of the women- who nevertheless decided to terminate their pregnancies and put their lives at risk while doing so, as they still do today in case they do not have any other option.
  2. Abortion was said to be a sin or a form of transgression of morality, and there were provisions that were made with the intention to punish and act as a deterrent.
  3. Abortion was restricted to protect foetal life in some or all circumstances.

Since the ways of abortion have become safe, laws and provisions against termination of pregnancy make sense only in cases of punitive and deterrent purposes, or to protect foetal life over that of women’s lives. While some prosecutions for unsafe abortions that cause injury or death still take place, far more often existing laws are being used against those having and providing safe abortions outside the law today. Ironically, it is restrictive abortion laws—leftovers from another age—that are responsible for the deaths and millions of injuries to women who cannot afford to pay for a safe and legal abortion.

Right to abortion: a brief overview

Over the past few decades, countries across the world have made significant progress in guaranteeing women’s access to abortion, with about 50 countries liberalising their abortion laws. Some of this change has been gradual, thus allowing women to terminate their pregnancy only in situations that are life-threatening or in cases when the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape. Nonetheless, a lot of these modifications have been transformational, erasing all restrictions on abortion in favour of women’s reproductive freedom.

Nearly 90% of countries across the globe have laws and provisions that allow abortions, at the very least when the woman’s life is in danger. Most of the nations that allow abortion when it has to be performed to save the woman’s life or when her life is in danger as a result of the pregnancy, also allow pregnancies to be terminated for other reasons, like when a woman’s health is in danger during pregnancy, in situations of rape or if the pregnancy is a result of an incestuous relationship.

Even though the legal status of abortion varies from state to state and region to region, a large majority of countries allow abortion in some situations. About 25 countries have put a ban on abortion entirely. For more details, read the ‘Countries where abortion is severely restricted’ section. Most industrialised countries permit the termination of pregnancies without restriction. About 100 countries have some restrictions, typically allowing abortion only in certain circumstances, like a risk to the physical or mental health of the woman, on socio-economic grounds, or the presence of foetal anomalies. However, legal language concerning exemptions for foetal impairment is often unclear and vague, thus leading to uncertainty among medical professionals regarding the legality of conducting specific abortion procedures.

In these countries, abortion is legal on request, with varying developmental limits.


In Albania, abortion can be carried on until 12 weeks if the pregnant woman considers the pregnancy to impact her psychologically. The woman has to undergo counselling for a week before the abortion. Further, from the 12th to the 22nd week, too, a pregnancy can be terminated in Albania, considering both- medical and social reasons.


In December 2020, Argentina passed a law that made abortion legal. Kindly go to the ‘Countries who approved abortion: a recently won right’ section to read about it in detail.


In Armenia, abortion is legal on request for up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Further, in only special circumstances, it is allowed between 12 and 22 weeks.


Generally, abortion is legal in all the states and territories in Australia, provided the abortion is carried out under certain circumstances and is performed by a registered practitioner. However, one must note that every state and territory has its own rules for the termination of pregnancy. Also, doctors can perform abortions up to 22 weeks after gaining informed consent. After the 22nd week, abortion must be carried out in a hospital and the approval of a specialist medical practitioner is needed.


Abortion has been fully legalised in Austria since January 1975. Elective abortions can be performed in Austria if the pregnancy is under 12 weeks. It may also be performed after 12 weeks if-

  1. The woman’s mental or physical health is in danger.
  2. The child is at risk of being born with abnormalities (say, a serious physical or mental defect).
  3. The woman is under 14 years of age.


In Azerbaijan, it is legal for a woman to terminate her pregnancy between 12 and 28 weeks. Currently, the abortion law of Azerbaijan remains unchanged and is based on the abortion law of the Soviet Union of 1955, when Azerbaijan was a Republic of the Soviet Union (as the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic), and despite gaining independence in 1991, no amends were carried out in the previously existing law.


In Belarus, abortion has been legalised since November 23, 1955, when Belarus was a Republic of the Soviet Union. The current abortion law, which dates from December 31, 1987, stands out as one of the most liberal abortion laws in Europe. In Belarus, a woman can terminate her pregnancy on request up to 12 weeks, and in specific circumstances, on a variety of grounds, until 28 weeks.

The current law allows abortion for the following reasons:

  1. Harm or death to the foetus and/or that of the expectant woman.
  2. The pregnancy was a result of rape or incest.
  3. The to-be father has expired.
  4. The expectant mother or father has been given jail time.
  5. The court in Belarus has ordered stripping pregnant women of their parental rights.
  6. If the household already has 5 children,
  7. If the to-be father and mother are undergoing a divorce,
  8. There is a family history that includes mental or physical disabilities.


Abortion is legal in Belgium until it is under 12 weeks after conception when the woman is in a state of distress. Further, it is allowed at any stage of the pregnancy if two physicians are of the same opinion that the pregnancy poses a serious threat to the woman’s health or in situations when the child has an extremely serious and untreatable ailment. 


In Bosnia and Herzegovina, termination of pregnancy is legal on request during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. Between 10 and 20 weeks, an abortion is allowed if- 

  1. The life or health of the woman is in danger. 
  2. The foetus is severely impaired.
  3. The pregnancy was a result of crime (like rape or incest).
  4. For psychosocial reasons.

In all these cases, approval for terminating the pregnancy has to be obtained from a Committee, and the woman has to undergo counselling before undergoing abortion. After 20 weeks of pregnancy have passed, a woman can terminate her pregnancy when it has to be performed to save her life or health. 

Please note: Individuals who perform abortions illegally are liable for punishment, not the woman who undergoes the procedure in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


In Brazil, abortion is a crime that attracts penalties ranging from 1 to 3 years of jail time for the pregnant woman and from 1 to 4 years of jail time for those individuals who performed the abortion on another woman. However, it is allowed in three specific circumstances (induced abortion is not punishable by law), namely:

  1. In case the pregnancy may put the woman’s life at risk.
  2. When the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape.
  3. If the foetus is anencephalic.


In Bulgaria, abortion is legal on request for up to 12 weeks. Further, abortion is permitted between 12 and 20 weeks for women who have some ailment or if the pregnancy puts her or the child’s life in danger. Also, after 20 weeks, a woman can terminate a pregnancy if the pregnancy puts her life in danger or if the foetus is genetically harmed (i.e., evidence is found of a severe foetal impairment).


In Cambodia, a woman is allowed to terminate her pregnancy legally upon request within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. After 12 weeks have passed, abortions are only legal and allowed in Cambodia in cases when-

  1. The abortion will save the life of the woman or preserve her health.
  2. The pregnancy occurred as a result of rape.
  3. The child may be born with a disease that is not treatable.

Please note: In all of these cases, there has to be at least approval from two medical personnel.


In Canada, a woman can terminate her pregnancy even without giving a legally justifiable reason, as long as she is doing so within the gestational limit that is set by the province or territory. The gestational limit ranges from 12 weeks to 24 weeks and 6 days.

Cape Verde

In Cape Verde, abortion has been allowed upon request for up to 12 weeks of pregnancy since 1986. After 12 weeks, a woman is allowed to terminate her pregnancy if-

  1. The pregnancy will put the woman’s physical or mental health at risk, or
  2. If the foetus is impaired.

Interesting fact: Cape Verde is one of only five countries in Africa that allow elective abortions, alongside Mozambique, South Africa, Sao Tome and Principe and Tunisia.


In Chile, up to 2017, abortion was not permitted under any situation; however, only therapeutic abortion, i.e., abortion on medical grounds, was allowed by the Health Code from 1931 but was later repealed in 1989. It took the nation more than 25 years to reverse the ban. However, abortion laws have changed over time. Before 2017, Chile had one of the most stringent laws across the globe and prohibited the practice of terminating pregnancy altogether. After some amends, abortion has been allowed in some circumstances now. Currently, abortion is allowed in the following 3 circumstances:

  1. When the life of the expectant mother is in danger.
  2. When there are foetal anomalies incompatible with life.
  3. In cases of rape during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy (or 14 weeks if the woman is under 14 years old). 

Please note: In spite of all the permissions and legislation, some doctors refuse to perform abortions, especially if the pregnancy is borne out of rape.


In the 1950s, China legalised abortion. China further encouraged the practice of a one-child policy considering the ever-growing population in the nation. This policy was enacted in 1979 to curb population growth by restricting families from having a single child. Abortion in China is legal throughout the pregnancy and most women can avail of the facility through-

  1. China’s family planning programme, 
  2. Private hospitals, 
  3. Public hospitals, and 
  4. Clinics across the whole country.


In Colombia, abortion is freely allowed up to 24 weeks of pregnancy. This decision came after there was a ruling by the Constitutional Court on February 21, 2022. One can terminate their pregnancy after 24 weeks, but it is only allowed if there is a risk of death to the mother, foetal malformation, or rape, as per a Constitutional Court ruling in 2006.


In Croatia, abortion has been a regulated medical operation procedure since 1952, with certain restrictions. As per the present law, a pregnancy can be terminated as an elective procedure until 10 weeks following conception. A woman is allowed to have an abortion even after 10 weeks in specific circumstances.


In Cuba, abortion is legal and is allowed on demand for free via a public healthcare system. It is legal to have an abortion after 10 weeks of gestation. Women who want to opt for an abortion have to receive pre-abortion counselling, and minors have to obtain the consent of their parents or judicial authorisation.


Since 2018, Cyprus has allowed abortion until the 12th week of pregnancy. Further, in rape cases, pregnancy can be terminated up to the 19th week of pregnancy. Previously, abortion was only allowed if-

  1. The mother has a risk of physical or mental harm, or
  2. A risk of foetal deformity, or
  3. If the woman was raped or sexually assaulted.

Please note: There is no provision as such, but abortion is only performed up to 28 weeks in Cyprus.

Additionally, if someone is caught in an act of unlawful abortion, he/she will be liable to 7 years of imprisonment, including the expecting mother.

Czech Republic 

In the Czech Republic, a woman is allowed to terminate her pregnancy legally for up to 12 weeks and up to 26 weeks for therapeutic abortion. Abortion after the 12th week is allowed only if-

  1. The pregnant woman’s life or health will be in danger if she continues the pregnancy, or
  2. If there is a suspicion of foetal impairment.

Additionally, women who had an abortion are not allowed to have another abortion within 6 months unless-

  1. They had 2 deliveries,
  2. Are 35 years of age or older,
  3. The pregnancy was a consequence of rape.

Dem. People’s Rep. of Korea/North and South Korea

South Korea

In South Korea, abortion was decriminalised by a 2019 order by the Constitutional Court of Korea. The same became effective on 1st January 2021. From 1953 to 2020, abortion was not legal in most circumstances; however, illegal abortions were very common then and were performed at hospitals and clinics. 

Since 1973, the Mother and Child Health Act has been enacted, which stated 5 special circumstances that made abortion legal. They are as follows:

  1. In case the expecting woman or her spouse has any eugenic or genetic disability or disease.
  2. In case the expecting woman or her spouse has any disease that is infectious.
  3. In case the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape or quasi-rape.
  4. In case the pregnancy happens between two individuals who are legally not allowed to marry (say, blood relatives in incestuous relationships).
  5. In case the continuation of pregnancy could potentially harm the health of the pregnant woman.

North Korea

In North Korea, abortion laws have been changing here and there. While it was illegal throughout history, it was in the 1970s that abortion laws came into existence. It was made legal in 1983 and banned again in 1993. Later in 2015, a law was passed that banned birth control devices. The same law levied fines and also attracted jail time for people who undergo the process of abortion or perform the act. Due to the ban imposed on contraceptives and abortion services in medical facilities or hospitals, there was a surge in unsafe abortions.


An abortion is fully legalised in Denmark if the woman’s pregnancy has not exceeded 12 weeks. The patient has to be 18 (or older) to make a decision on termination of pregnancy by self; if not, there has to be the consent of a parent, except under special circumstances.

Abortion can be performed even after 12 weeks if the woman’s life or health is at risk or under certain circumstances like-

  1. Poor socio-economic condition of the woman.
  2. There is a risk of birth defects in the baby.
  3. The pregnancy was a result of rape.
  4. There is a risk to the mental health of the mother.

Faroe Islands

In the Faroe Islands, Denmark, abortion is allowed only under certain circumstances, like-

  1. The pregnancy is harmful or fatal to the mother.
  2. There are high chances of birth defects during pregnancy.
  3. The pregnancy was borne out of rape.

Please note: If the woman is married, consent has to be obtained from the husband on Faroe Island.


In Estonia, abortion is allowed on demand before the end of the 12th week of pregnancy. Under the 12th week, for abortion, a woman has to consult a doctor and has to state the reason for abortion in writing. However, abortions are allowed up to the 21st week if-

  1. The woman is younger than 15 or older than 45 years old,
  2. If the pregnancy puts the life or health of the woman at risk,
  3. The child has a serious physical or mental defect, or
  4. If the woman is ill or has any medical conditions that would hinder the child’s development.


In France, abortion is available on request for up to 12 weeks. The woman has to claim to be in a state of distress because she is pregnant. After 12 weeks, abortions are only allowed in the following circumstances-

  1. The pregnancy poses a threat to the woman’s health.
  2. The child will suffer from a severe illness that is not curable.

After 12 weeks, to terminate a pregnancy, two doctors have to confirm the risk, stating that the pregnancy will pose a threat to the health of the expectant of the woman or foetus.

Please note: If a pregnant girl who is 16 or under the age of 16 wants an abortion, she can do so without the consent of her parents, but she has to be accompanied by an adult she chooses to accompany her.

French Guiana

In French Guiana, abortion is legal. Here, the French Penal Code is applicable. Under Article 223-10 of the French Penal Code, any termination of pregnancy without obtaining the consent of the individual concerned attracts a punishment of 5 years of jail time and a fine of €75,000.


In Georgia, a woman can terminate her pregnancy legally up to the detection of an embryonic heartbeat, which typically begins in the 5th or 6th week after the onset of the last menstrual period (LMP) or two to three weeks after implantation. Further, if the woman is past around 6 weeks of pregnancy, she may need to travel out of Georgia to get an abortion unless she qualifies for an exception. Exceptions are very limited and include:

  1. To save the life of a pregnant woman.
  2. To preserve the physical health of the expectant mother.
  3. If the foetus is not expected to survive the pregnancy.
  4. If the pregnancy is a result of rape and/or incest.

Please note: One can leave Georgia and get an abortion out of state.

One must note that to carry out an abortion, some states have a mandate for a waiting period, meaning the expectant mother will have to schedule an appointment for a counselling session, and then wait a required amount of time before having her abortion appointment. If the pregnant lady is under the age of 18, some states may have a mandate to obtain consent from a parent or guardian to get an abortion.


In Germany, abortion is permissible for up to 12 weeks or the first trimester. Women have to receive proper counselling 3 days before carrying out termination. Such counselling, called “Schwangerschaftskonfliktberatung (pregnancy-conflict counselling), is necessary to apprise women about the rights of the unborn (they too have the right to life) and make an attempt to convince her to carry the baby to term. In cases of emergency, just the counselling mandate could be waived.

Abortion after the first trimester is usually forbidden unless the life of the woman is in danger or there is a serious threat to her physical or mental health. Also, the law has a provision that permits doctors to refuse to carry out an abortion on moral or religious grounds, but they are required to refer the patient to a willing practitioner.


In Greece, abortion is legal for up to 12 weeks and is allowed as late as 19 weeks in cases of rape or incest or as late as 24 weeks in cases of foetal abnormalities. In case there is any risk to the life of the expectant mother, the pregnancy can be terminated legally at any time before birth. However, girls under the age of 18 must obtain written permission from their parents or guardians before being allowed an abortion.


Abortion in Greenland was legalised on 12 June 1975, under legislation equivalent to Danish law.


In Guinea-Bissau, a woman is allowed to terminate her pregnancy on request.


In Guyana, under the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, abortion is legal as per the request of the expectant mother. Guyana’s legislation passed in 1995, which legalised abortions up to 8 weeks in all circumstances. If there is a risk to life or the health of a woman, abortion can be carried out at any time before delivery. In cases of rape and foetal impairment, the pregnancy can be terminated for up to 16 weeks. For economic or social reasons or on request, pregnancy can be terminated for up to 8 weeks. 


In Hungary, abortion is allowed on request for up to 12 weeks and the time can be extended up to 24 weeks under special circumstances. Before terminating the pregnancy, the woman has to undergo counselling. The pregnant woman has to consult a nurse to inform her about the issues of contraception as well as to provide help if the pregnancy is carried to term. Please note, in case there is any risk to the life of the expectant mother, pregnancy can be terminated legally at any time before birth.


On May 14, 2019, a Bill was passed by the Icelandic Parliament that legalised abortion on request within the first 22 weeks of pregnancy, irrespective of the circumstances. Even before the Bill was passed, a woman was allowed to abort her pregnancy within the same timeframe; however, the decision to abort after the 16th week required approval from a Committee. After the Bill, the decision is now totally in the hands of the pregnant woman. The Icelandic law defines termination of pregnancy as abortion up to 22 weeks, while after 22 weeks it is defined as delivery. There is a further change in relation to minors, who are now legally able to terminate a pregnancy without the consent of a parent or guardian. The new law adds that the minor shall be offered information and counselling on contraception.

Also, the terminology referring to abortion in Icelandic was changed to “interruption of pregnancy”, replacing the previous, more charged term literally translated to “fetus extermination”.


In Israel, abortion was illegal but became legal provided the Committee approved the activity under the Penal Code of 1977. Before 2014, abortion was permitted (that too, after obtaining consent from the Committee) under limited circumstances like-

  1. The expectant woman is unmarried,
  2. Considering age considerations (if the woman was under the age of 18—the legal marriage age in Israel – or over the age of 40), 
  3. The pregnancy was conceived under illegal circumstances like that of rape, statutory rape, etc., or an incestuous relationship, birth defects, or risk to the health or life of the mother. 


In Italy, abortion is allowed up to 12 weeks on request. Here, the woman has to undergo a week’s reflection period to be imposed on her before the termination, unless the situation is one of urgency. A certificate confirming the pregnancy and request for termination has to be issued by a doctor and must be duly signed by the woman and the doctor.

For girls under the age of 18, consent has to be obtained from their parents or guardian. After 12 weeks, abortion is allowed only if- 

  1. The foetus has a genetic deficiency,
  2. The mother’s physical and mental health have to be preserved.


In Kazakhstan, the process of abortion is regulated through the following Acts-

  1. The Reproductive Rights Law (2004),
  2. The Criminal Code (1997), and 
  3. The Ministry of Health Medical and Social Indications for Abortion (2008).

In Kazakhstan, abortion is legal in the following cases:

  1. If the pregnant woman is at health risk (abortion has to be approved by a Committee of three health professionals, namely-
  1. A gynaecologist,
  2. The head of the institution, and
  3. An expert on her condition).
  1. That the illness has to be on the approved list.
  2. If the pregnancy will put the life of the woman in danger (there is no limit as to the gestational age).
  3. If the woman’s health could be significantly harmed, with no limit as to gestational age.
  4. If the expectant mother’s mental health is at risk.
  5. Upon request, for whatever reason, including reasons such as pregnancy from an incestuous relationship,
  6. If the pregnant woman has a cognitive or intellectual disability.

Please note: Terminating a pregnancy in the case of a minor requires parental permission or that of another adult.


In Kyrgyzstan, under Id. Art. 16.3., a woman is allowed to artificially terminate her pregnancy for up to 12 weeks at the request of the expecting woman. Further, abortion is allowed for up to 22 weeks for social reasons based on established standards and a commission consisting of medical and social professionals who must approve the request for an abortion. Further, a woman can terminate her pregnancy at any time during the pregnancy on the basis of medical necessity. Also, under Id. art. 16.3., if a minor requests an abortion, the consent of the parents or a legal representative is mandatory.

Please note: Under the new law (Id. Art. 17.1.), it is legal to use contraception in Kyrgyzstan, and individuals are free to choose the contraceptive method.


In Latvia, abortion is allowed up to 12 weeks into pregnancy. After 12 weeks of pregnancy, a special authorization is necessary or can be terminated on non-medical grounds, like:

  1. The death of the husband during pregnancy,
  2. The expectant mother is imprisoned or her husband is imprisoned,
  3. The expectant couple is undergoing divorce during the course of pregnancy,
  4. The pregnancy was caused as a result of rape, and
  5. There is a history of child disability in the family.


In Lithuania, abortion is available only on request for up to 12 weeks. After 12 weeks, a special authorization is required. The abortion laws of Lithuania are similar to that of Latvia, the countries having been a part of the former Soviet Union.


In Luxembourg, abortion is legal up to 12 weeks in certain circumstances like-

  1. To save a woman’s life,
  2. To preserve her mental or physical health.
  3. In case of economic or social reasons.
  4. In case the pregnancy occurred through rape or incest or foetal impairment. 

Before terminating the pregnancy, a one-week reflection period has to be given to the women along with an information booklet that explains options other than abortion.

After 12 weeks of pregnancy has passed, the law in Luxembourg has a provision that allows abortion only and only if there are some serious issues, like risk to the woman’s or the unborn child’s health. This threat has to be confirmed in writing by two doctors. Further, a doctor cannot terminate the pregnancy unless the life of the woman is in imminent danger.

Before the end of 12 weeks after conception (14 weeks after the last menstruation period), a woman who claims to be in distress, can get permission to terminate her pregnancy after consulting 2 doctors, namely:

  1. One medical, and 
  2. One has to be psycho-social.

She has to serve a waiting period of at least three days. Further, the woman can terminate her pregnancy at later stages only when two doctors certify there is a danger to her or the foetus. For patients who are under 18 or underage, a trusted adult has to accompany them for the consultation and the procedure itself.


In the Maldives, abortion is prohibited except for certified medical reasons. Here, an individual is said to have committed an offence if, after the first 120 days of the pregnancy:

  1. He/she purposely terminates the pregnancy of another person by means other than live birth, or
  2. The pregnant lady purposely terminates her own pregnancy by using or causing another person to use instruments, drugs or violence upon her for the purpose of terminating her pregnancy by means other than live birth.

However, if the mother is at risk, an individual will not be held guilty of committing an offence if such an individual is-

  1. The mother, or
  2. A licenced medical professional who has determined that the pregnancy is putting the mother’s life at risk.

Also, prevention of pregnancy by medically obstructing means of pregnancy or prescribing oral contraception or any other substance that works prior to being pregnant or at the time or afterwards is not an offence in the Maldives.

Moreover, for a pregnancy resulting from sexual assault or incest, one won’t be held guilty of terminating the pregnancy if the pregnancy is the result of-

  1. sexual assault (as defined by Section 130), or
  2. incest (as defined by Section 413).

Furthermore, abortion is allowed in cases where thalassaemia is diagnosed. Thalassaemia is a fatal genetic blood condition that is carried by 20% of the population and affects one child in every 250.


In Moldova, abortion is legal on request during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. It is permitted for up to 28 weeks under special circumstances (the circumstances being determined by the Ministry of Health). The Ministry of Health allows pregnancy to be terminated until 22 weeks in the following situations:

  1. There is a threat to the health of the expectant mother.
  2. The pregnancy was a result of crime (say, rape or incest). 
  3. The foetus had genetically severe malformations or congenital syphilis.

Please note: In Moldova, abortions must be carried out in authorised medical facilities by obstetricians and gynaecologists.


In Magnolia, abortion is legal on request.


In Montenegro, a woman can terminate her pregnancy on request within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. Further, during the 10 and 20 weeks, one can terminate her pregnancy by getting approval from a Committee, and such an act can be performed only on medical grounds like-

  1. The child is expected to be born with serious disabilities. 
  2. The pregnancy is the result of a crime.
  3. If the woman could face serious family circumstances during pregnancy or after birth.

Moreover, between 20 and 32 weeks, abortions must be approved by an ethics committee, and are only allowed for medical reasons or in the case of serious foetal defects. Then, after 32 weeks, abortions can only be permitted to save the pregnant woman’s life. 

Interesting fact: The current abortion law of Montenegro, which dates from 2009, repeals the previous 1977 law enacted by Yugoslavia.


In Mozambique, abortion was liberalised in 2014. It allowed abortions on request up to the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. In addition to this, pregnancy can be terminated up to the first 16 weeks and if there is a case of foetal anomaly, up to 24 weeks. As per the legislation, abortions have to be performed at officially designated facilities, and that too, by quality practitioners only.


In Nepal, abortion was made legal in March 2002. Here, the pregnancy can be terminated when the woman is up to 12 weeks pregnant. Further, if the woman is above 16 years of age, she does not need to obtain permission from her husband or guardian; if not, she has to seek their permission. In case the pregnancy was a result of rape or incest, it can be terminated up to 18 weeks. Also, if the doctor is of the opinion that the pregnancy poses a threat or danger to the physical or mental health of the expectant mother or if the foetus suffers from a physical deformity, the pregnancy can be terminated at any stage. 


In the Netherlands, abortion is legal up to 13 weeks of pregnancy on request. However, a 5-day reflection period is necessary between the first consultation and the performance of the abortion. Further, abortion is allowed even after 13 weeks, up to 24 weeks if the woman claims she is in a state of distress.

New Caledonia

In New Caledonia, the abortion laws have seen improvement. Now, a medically induced abortion can be performed on the woman before the end of 5 weeks of her pregnancy, especially in certain medical and social care centres outside Noum.

New Zealand

In New Zealand, a woman whose pregnancy is under 20 weeks old can seek an abortion from a healthcare practitioner. However, if her pregnancy is over 20 weeks, she has to get permission from a health practitioner, who will then ascertain whether the procedure is ‘clinically appropriate’. After March 2020, women can only terminate their pregnancies after consulting two healthcare practitioners.


In Norway, abortions from the 12th to 18th weeks of pregnancy are granted via an application under special circumstances like-

  1. The mother’s health is in danger.
  2. Her social situation is not good.
  3. The foetus is in great danger or has severe medical complications,
  4. If the woman became pregnant while she was underage,
  5. If the pregnancy was a result of sexual abuse.

After the 18th week, the reasons for terminating the pregnancy have to be severe and an abortion will not be granted after viability.

Please note: Girls who are under the age of 18 need to obtain consent from their parents even though in some situations this mandate may be overridden.


In Portugal, abortion is allowed under certain circumstances up to 16 weeks. An abortion is allowed within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy to save a woman’s life or if her mental or physical health is in danger. Further, abortions are allowed until 16 weeks if the pregnancy was a result of rape or sexual crime. Furthermore, it is allowed up to 24 weeks if there is a risk that the child born from the pregnancy will be born with an incurable disease or malformation. Such information has to be certified by a doctor other than the one who has performed the procedure. The restrictions keep increasing gradually at 12, 14 and 24 weeks.

Puerto Rico

In Puerto Rico, abortion is legal throughout the pregnancy of the woman. Since June 2022, a Bill which will need to be considered by the House) has been passed by the Senate that allows abortion up to 22 weeks with exceptions like-

  1. Danger to mother’s life,
  2. Any defects with the foetus and
  3. If the foetus would not be viable.

Republic of North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia or North Macedonia)

In the Republic of North Macedonia, which was formerly Macedonia or North Macedonia,  abortion is legal on request during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Pregnancy can be further terminated under special circumstances between 12 and 22 weeks. The special circumstances include rape, incest, foetal malformation, for socio-economic reasons or in case of crisis pregnancies.

Please note: Abortion in the Republic of North Macedonia, was regulated by a 2019 law.


In Romania, abortion is allowed up to 14 weeks on request. It has to be performed after obtaining the consent of the woman and must be performed in a medical institution or surgery clinic. Also, abortions could be performed even after 14 weeks if they are of utmost necessity for therapeutic reasons, as per the legal provisions. Any doctor or individual who performs an illegal abortion will/may face suspension.

Russia/Russian Federation

In Russia, abortion is allowed up to the 12th week of pregnancy and up to 22 weeks if the pregnancy is a result of rape or poses a risk to the mother’s life. 

Interesting fact: Russia was the first country to legalise abortion in 1920.

Sao Tome & Principe

In Sao Tome and Principe, it is legal on request.


In Serbia, abortion is performed and allowed at the request of the expectant woman until the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. After 10 weeks, she can terminate her pregnancy only after the consent of a doctor’s council, or the ethics commission in case the pregnancy advances. However, the pregnancy can be terminated at any time if the pregnancy was a result of sexual abuse or incest or if there is foetal impairment or if the life of the expectant woman is in jeopardy.


In Singapore, pregnancy is allowed up to 24 weeks (6 months). The pregnancy can be terminated even after 24 weeks if the life of the mother is in danger. Please note, that there is no defined minimum or maximum age for the abortion procedure in Singapore. Also, like in other countries there is no mandate for parents to consent to abortion for minors (under 16 years). The duration of the pregnancy shall be calculated from the first day of the last normal menstruation of the pregnant woman to the end of the 24th week.

Interesting fact: Singapore’s laws on abortion are considered to be one of the most progressive laws across the globe.

Slovak/The Slovakia Republic

In Slovakia or the Slovak Republic, women are allowed to terminate pregnancy up to 12 weeks. For abortion, women have to request a procedure in writing. A woman is only allowed to terminate her pregnancy if her previous abortion, if any, has surpassed 6 months period, the exception is that the woman has had 2 births or is 35 or above the age of 35, or if the pregnancy was a result of rape. Further, a woman has to receive counselling before the abortion is performed. For women under 16 years of age, parental consent is needed. For minors between the ages of 16 and 18 years, the physician has to inform the parents of the abortion. Also, abortion after 12 weeks is allowed only when-

  1. There are medical reasons.
  2. There are genetic reasons.
  3. The pregnancy occurred as a result of rape or other sexual crimes.


In Slovenia, abortion is allowed on request for up to 10 weeks. After the 10 weeks of pregnancy, one has to obtain special authorization by a Commission that consists of a:

  1. Gynaecologist/obstetrician, 
  2. A general physician or a specialist in internal medicine, and 
  3. A social worker or a psychologist.

If the woman is under age she has take approval of her parents or guardian, unless she is recognised as emancipated (fully competent to earn her own living).

South Africa

Abortion in South Africa is legal by request when the pregnancy is under 13 weeks. Also, it is legal to terminate pregnancy between 13 to 20 weeks if:

  1. The pregnancy would have a significant impact on the individual’s social or economic circumstances.
  2. The pregnancy poses a risk of injury to the individual’s physical or mental health.
  3. There is a substantial risk that the foetus will undergo severe physical or mental abnormality.
  4. There is a belief that the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest.

Further, pregnancy above 20 weeks is legal if the medical practitioner believes that:

  1. The pregnancy endangers the life of the woman.
  2. The pregnancy would result in serious malformations of the foetus.
  3. The pregnancy would pose a risk of injury to the foetus.


In Spain, abortion is allowed under certain conditions up to 12 to 22 weeks. Abortions are allowed for up to 12 weeks to avoid a serious threat to a woman’s physical or mental health. If the abortion is a result of rape, the rape has to be reported to the police, and the procedure for termination has to be carried out within 12 weeks of pregnancy. Further, the abortion can be carried on for up to 22 weeks if there is a foetal impairment. For this, there has to be a certification by two specialists, other than the doctor performing the abortion, claiming that the child would suffer from severe physical or mental defects. Such a procedure has to be performed within the first 22 weeks. All abortions in Spain must be reported to the national health authorities.


In Sweden, abortion is allowed on request up to 18 weeks of pregnancy. If the pregnancy is between 12 and 18 weeks, the woman has to discuss the process with a social worker. After the pregnancy has exceeded 18 weeks, the woman has to obtain permission from the National Board of Health and Welfare. In Sweden, abortions have to be performed by a licenced medical practitioner and except in cases of emergency, they have to be in a general hospital or other approved healthcare establishment.


In Switzerland, under the Swiss Penal Code, there are two Articles – Article 118 and Article 119—that have provisions related to abortion.

Article 118

Article 118 states that any individual who terminates a pregnancy without the consent of the pregnant woman shall be imprisoned for 1 to 10 years. Further, there will be an imprisonment of not more than 3 years or a monetary penalty for the woman who has terminated her pregnancy without following the requirements of the Penal Code and Article 119.

Article 119

Article 119 talks about the requirements for legal abortion and they are as follows:

  1. After the end of 12 weeks, it is up to the physician’s discretion to ascertain if the pregnancy must be terminated so as to avoid her undergoing serious physical injury or serious psychological distress. 
  2. The risk must be greater the more advanced the pregnancy is, or the termination must be performed-
  1. At the written request of a pregnant woman within 12 weeks of the start of the woman’s last period
  2. By a physician who is licenced to practise his profession, and  
  3. The woman claims that she is in a state of distress. 

Please note: The physician must have a detailed consultation with the woman prior to the termination and provide her with appropriate counsel. 

  1. If the woman is not capable of reaching an inference, the consent of her legal representative has to be obtained. The statute directs the Swiss Cantons to designate the medical practises and hospitals that fulfil the requirements for the professional conduct of procedures to terminate pregnancy and for the provision of counsel.


In Tajikistan, a woman is allowed to terminate her pregnancy with the gestational limit of 12 weeks on request.


In Thailand, abortion is allowed up to 20 weeks of pregnancy, recently authorised by Thailand’s Public Health Minist,ry as opposed to 12 weeks as per the previous legislation. 


In Tunisia, abortion is legal for social reasons.

Interesting fact: Tunisia is the only Islamic-majority country that approves abortion for social reasons.


In Turkey, abortion is allowed for up to 10 weeks. Under special circumstances (say the woman’s life or that of the foetus is in danger), the time limit threshold can be expanded.

Abortion up to 10 weeks can be carried out for the following reasons:

  1. The pregnancy poses a threat to the mental and/or physical health of the expectant woman.
  2. The foetus would be physically or mentally impaired.
  3. If the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape or incest. 
  4. The pregnancy can also be terminated for economic or social reasons. 

For terminating the pregnancy, it is important for the expectant mother to consent to this act. If she is underage (below 18), consent from her parents is required. If she is married, the consent of her husband is necessary. Women who are above 18 and unmarried may decide on their own for such an activity.


In Turkmenistan, a woman can terminate her pregnancy up to 12 weeks, previously; however, in 2015 the Government of Turkmenistan passed a law restricting abortion to only up to five weeks. 


In Ukraine, a woman can terminate her pregnancy on request during the first 12 weeks of her pregnancy. However, after 12 and 28 weeks, a woman can terminate her pregnancy on a variety of grounds, which are as follows:

  1. Medical reason, 
  2. Social and personal grounds, and 
  3. For any reason with the approval of a commission of physicians. 


In Uruguay, a woman is allowed to terminate her pregnancy on request before 12 weeks of gestation. However, she has to serve the 5-day reflection period before carrying out such an activity. Abortion has been legalised in Uruguay since 2012. 

Interesting fact: Uruguay is one of only four countries in South America where abortion is legal on request; the other three are Argentina, Guyana and Colombia.


In Uzbekistan, one can abort her pregnancy up to the first 12 weeks. A woman can also terminate her pregnancy on social or economic grounds where the gestational period is 22 weeks. Further, the pregnancy can also be terminated up to 22 weeks on the grounds of foetal impairment or if the pregnancy was a result of rape committed on the expectant mother or the mother’s health is in danger.


In Vietnam, abortion is legal. However, the law does not indicate any gestational limit.

Interesting fact: The Criminal Code of Vietnam does not have any provision that criminalises abortion practices.

In these countries, abortion is legal on socio-economic grounds.


In Barbados, a woman can terminate her pregnancy on social or economic grounds. Further, pregnancy can also be terminated if-

  1. The pregnancy was a result of rape.
  2. In cases of incest.
  3. In case there is a foetal impairment.

Please note: For minors, to abort the pregnancy, obtaining the consent of parents is a mandate.

From the first week to 12 weeks, a woman must get approval from a physician to terminate her pregnancy. After the first 12 weeks and between 12 to 20 weeks, one has to take approval from two physicians. After the first 20 weeks, one has to take approval from three physicians.

Please note: Before terminating the pregnancy, the woman has to undergo counselling.


In Belize, abortion is allowed on social and economic grounds. A woman can also terminate her pregnancy if there is any foetal impairment. However, abortion is a criminal offence except when it is performed by a medical practitioner under certain circumstances and the punishment for the same is life imprisonment. The circumstances where abortion is allowed in Belize are as follows:

  1. To protect the life of the mother.
  2. To protect the physical or mental health of the mother or any existing child of the family.
  3. If there is a substantial risk that the child thus born will be severely handicapped.


It was in 2005 that the Ethiopian Parliament liberalised abortion law and made abortion legal for women under specific conditions. In the present, abortion is legal in Ethiopia in the following cases:

  1. There are some maternal issues related to foetal impairment. 
  2. The pregnancy occurred through rape.
  3. There are incest relations involved.

In Ethiopia, a woman can terminate her pregnancy on social or economic grounds, as well. Moreover, pregnancy can be terminated on additional enumerated grounds like the woman’s age or capacity to care for a child.


Abortion in Fiji is taboo and a woman can terminate her pregnancy only on social or economic grounds; however, the law does not permit voluntary abortion as it is against religious beliefs, since the country holds a stronghold of Christianity with other religious beliefs that prohibit abortion. Further, pregnancy can also be terminated if-

  1. The pregnancy was a result of rape.
  2. In cases of incest.
  3. In case there is a foetal impairment.

Please note: For minors, to abort the pregnancy, obtaining the consent of parents is a necessity.


In Finland, abortion is legal only under certain circumstances. It is permitted up to 12 weeks to:

  1. Save the woman’s life,
  2. To preserve her mental health,
  3.  For economic or social reasons,
  4. For pregnancies involving rape or incest.

Abortion up to 12 weeks must be approved by one or two doctors.

Further, it is available up to 20 weeks if there is a risk to the physical health of a woman or if she is younger than 17. Abortion up to 20 weeks must be approved by the State Medical Board. 

Also, the termination can be performed up to 24 weeks if the woman’s life is in danger or if there is a risk of a foetal malformation.

Great Britain/Britain

In Great Britain, abortion is usually allowed on socio-economic grounds for the first 24 weeks of pregnancy, which is a later term limit than most other countries in Europe, and after this point for medical reasons. 

Hong Kong

It was on 17th February 1981, that the Legislative Council passed the abortion Bill and made abortion legal in Hong Kong. the Counsel claimed that abortion in Hong Kong will be legal in the following circumstances-

  1. For victims whose pregnancy was a result of rape or incest, provided the offence is reported to the police official within 3 months of the activity taking place.
  2. If the expectant mother’s life is at risk.
  3. On socio-economic grounds.
  4. If the foetus has abnormalities that would result in the baby being handicapped.

Please note: Abortion in Hong Kong is only permitted for termination only if it does not exceed 24 weeks’ duration.


In India, abortion became legal under several circumstances with the introduction of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1971, and the 2002 Amendment which enabled women to access safe and legal abortion services.

Later in 2021, the MTP Amendment Act, 2021 (which became effective on 24th September 2021), was passed with several amendments to the 1971 Act like the following:

  1. Women are allowed to seek safe abortion services on grounds of contraceptive failure,
  2. An increase in gestation limit to 24 weeks for special categories of women, and
  3. Opinion of one abortion service provider required up to 20 weeks of gestation.

Also, abortion in India is allowed on socio-economic grounds. For minors, in order to seek an abortion, obtaining the consent of parents is necessary.


In Japan, a woman can terminate her pregnancy up to 22 weeks in the following circumstances:

  1. Endangerment to the health of the pregnant woman.
  2. Economic or social hardship.
  3. If the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape.


In Rwanda, abortion was illegal up to 2017 and anyone who underwent abortion or helped someone terminate their pregnancy would have to serve some jail time. However, the law has been amended (in 2018) and abortion has been allowed in the following circumstances:

  1. If the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape.
  2. If the pregnancy occurred as a result of forced marriage.
  3. If the pregnancy occurred as a result of incest.
  4. If the pregnancy poses a health risk.

Please note: The law requires that the pregnancy be terminated only after consulting some doctor(s).

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

In Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, abortion is allowed on social and economic grounds and in cases when:

  1. The pregnancy was a result of rape.
  2. The pregnancy was a result of incest.
  3. The pregnancy had foetal impairment.
  4. The pregnant woman had physical or mental health issues as a result of the pregnancy.


In Taiwan, abortion is generally allowed up to 24 weeks of pregnancy under several legal circumstances and further in case it is medically necessary. Abortion was legally allowed after the enactment of the Genetic Health Act (Chinese: 優生保健法) in 1985 which was later amended in 2009. This law makes abortion accessible for unmarried adult women as well as married women.

Under this Act, abortion in Taiwan is under the following seven conditions:

  1. Acquisition of a “genetic, infectious or psychiatric disease detrimental to reproductive health” by the parents.
  2. Acquisition of a genetic disease within four degrees of relational separation from either parent.
  3. The pregnancy puts the mental or physical health of the woman at risk.
  4. There is a potential medical risk for teratogenesis (development of congenital abnormalities).
  5. Any pregnancy that occurred as a result of rape, sexual intercourse on false premises.
  6. The pregnancy is with a person who cannot legally be married to the expectant mother.
  7. The pregnancy will likely affect the mental health or family life of the expectant mother or the father.

United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, abortion is allowed up to 24 weeks.

England, Wales and Scotland 

Abortion is permitted in England, Wales and Scotland considering the following reasons-

  1. To save her life,
  2. For health reasons,
  3. For social or economic reasons.

Northern Ireland

In Northern Ireland, in order to abort the pregnancy, the woman’s health has to be at risk. 

To carry out the termination, certification of 2 medical practitioners is required. They have to certify that the required medical grounds are met and the woman can terminate her pregnancy on any of the above grounds. The woman does not necessarily have to get permission from her spouse in case of medically terminating the pregnancy.


Zambia is one of the few countries where abortion is allowed on economic and social grounds; however, despite having a liberal law, structural and cultural barriers make it difficult for Zambian women to obtain abortions. In Zambia, abortion is allowed under the following circumstances:

  1. Continuing the pregnancy will pose a threat to the life of the expectant woman,
  2. Continuing the pregnancy will be a risk or be injurious to the physical or mental health of any existing children of the pregnant woman, greater than if the pregnancy were terminated, 
  3. There is a substantial risk that if the child were born it would suffer from such physical or mental abnormalities as to be severely handicapped. In determining whether the continuance of a pregnancy would involve such a risk account may be taken of the pregnant woman’s actual or reasonably foreseeable environment or her age.

In these countries, abortion is legal when the woman’s or the mother’s life is in danger.


In Afghanistan, abortion is illegal unless the life of the woman is at risk or the baby’s life is endangered, interpreted as the baby having a severe disability or low quality of life.

Antigua and Barbuda

In the Antigua and Barbuda islands, abortion is prohibited unless it is absolutely a necessity, say, if the expectant woman’s life is in danger. If her life is at risk, then she can be allowed to terminate her pregnancy as per the general criminal law and necessary circumstances. Additionally, in the Infant Life Preservation Act of 1937, any individual(s) who is/are found to end a pregnancy before the birth of the child to save the life of the mother will not be punished for such an action. This Act applies to those pregnancies that are 28 weeks old, at least.


In Bahrain, abortion is legal upon request only when authorised by a panel of physicians. As per the Penal Code of 1976, abortion will be considered illegal when it is self-induced. Such an activity attracts a penalty for the pregnant woman which ranges up to 6 months in prison. And when the pregnancy is terminated without the permission of the woman, then the individual may be imprisoned for up to 10 years.


In Bangladesh, abortion is illegal in most circumstances, however, menstrual regulation is often used as a substitute. Bangladesh is still governed by the Penal Code from 1860, where induced abortion is illegal unless the expectant woman is in danger.


Abortion is only allowed in Bhutan under the following circumstances:

  1. The pregnancy is a result of rape. 
  2. The pregnancy is a result of incest relations.
  3. The mental health is in danger and can be preserved by terminating the pregnancy.
  4.  The abortion is important to save her life.

Despite this, the United Nations report on abortion notes that the exact status of the country’s abortion law is uncertain, “because the state religion of Bhutan is Buddhism, which disapproves of abortion, it is probable that the procedure is allowed only to save the life of the pregnant woman”.


In Brazil, under its Penal Code, abortion is only allowed if it has to be performed to save the pregnant woman’s life or in case the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape or incest. 

Under Article 124 of the Penal Code, if a woman induces an abortion on herself or gives permission to another person to induce it, there will be a punishment of detention between 1 to 3 years. Then, under Article 125, if the abortion is induced without the consent of the pregnant woman by a third party, there shall be a punishment between 3 to 10 years. Further, under Article 126, if an individual induces abortion after obtaining consent of the expectant woman, then there is a punishment between 1 to 3 years. However, under Article 127 (amendment), the punishment in Article 125 and Article 126 will be increased if as a consequence of the abortion or the measures taken to induce it, the pregnant woman undergoes serious physical harm. Also, the punishment will be doubled if due to any of these reasons, there is death of that woman. Under Article 128, abortion carried out by a doctor will not be penalised. 

There are some instances where abortions are necessary like-

  1. There is no other way to save the life of the expectant mother.
  2. The abortion is carried out for a pregnancy that resulted due to rape.
  3. If the pregnancy is the result of rape and the abortion is preceded by the consent of the pregnant woman, or, if she is unable, by her legal representative.

Brunei Darussalam

In Brunei Darussalam, abortion is legal only when it has to be performed to save the life of the expectant woman. A woman who induces her abortion may be penalised from 3 to 10 years of imprisonment and the person who performs it shall be sentenced to 10 to 15 years of imprisonment.

Burkina Faso

In Burkina Faso, abortion is allowed in the following circumstances-

  1. To save the life of the pregnant woman. 
  2. To protect the health of a pregnant woman.
  3. If the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape, 
  4. If the pregnancy is between incest relations. 
  5. If there is a severe foetal impairment.


In Burundi, abortion is only allowed if it is carried out to preserve the health of the pregnant woman. As stated in the book “Abortion Policies: A Global Review”, abortion is also allowed in the following circumstances-

  1. If the pregnancy gravely endangers the woman’s physical health.
  2. If the pregnancy affects the woman’s potential mental health. 

However, it is crucial that two certified physicians approve that the pregnancy is threatened before providing medical assistance. Even in cases in which a practitioner has deemed that the pregnancy has endangered the woman, both the physician and the woman may be subject to prison time and fines. A person who performs an abortion, including the expectant woman, will be subjected to imprisonment for between 6 and 2 years and a fine of between 1000 to 5000 Burundi francs (FBUs). Further, if the person who is performing such an act is a medical or paramedical professional or is studying for such a profession, the punishment is between 1 and 5 years and a fine between 1000 and 10,000 Burundi franc (FBUs). Also, if the abortion results in the death of the woman, the punishment would be about 20 years of imprisonment.

Cabo Verde

In Cabo Verde, abortion is legal on request before the 12-week gestation period. This provision has been in action since 1986. After 12 weeks have passed by, a woman can terminate her pregnancy in the following circumstances-

  1. If the pregnancy poses a risk to her physical or mental health.
  2. If the foetus is impaired.

Interesting fact: Cape Verde is one of the only 5 countries in Africa that permits elective abortions. The other countries are Mozambique, Sao Tome and Principe, South Africa and Tunisia.

Also, as per WHO’s research titled “Global Abortion Policies Database”, in Cape Verde, abortion is allowed in case the pregnancy occurred through rape or there are incest relations involved.

Côte d’Ivoire

In Côte d’Ivoire, abortion is allowed to save a woman’s life.

Also, as per WHO’s research titled “Global Abortion Policies Database”, in Côte d’Ivoire, abortion is allowed in the following cases:

  1. There is foetal impairment. 
  2. The pregnancy occurred through rape.
  3. There are incest relations involved.
  4. The expectant woman’s mental or physical health is at risk.


In Egypt, abortion is not allowed under Articles 260-264 of the Penal Code of 1937; however, it is allowed in exceptions like when the pregnant woman’s life is in danger and an abortion is necessary to save her life.


In Gabon, abortion is legal when the expectant woman’s life is in danger. 


In Gambia, abortion is only allowed to preserve the health of the pregnant woman. 


In Guatemala, abortion is only allowed in cases where it has to be performed in order to save the life of the pregnant woman; in other cases, a woman cannot terminate her pregnancy in Guatemala legally.


In Indonesia, abortion is allowed in cases involving- 

  1. Medical emergencies,
  2. In cases of severe foetal anomalies.

In the latter situation, if the woman is married, it is important to obtain the consent of the expecting woman and her husband before terminating the pregnancy. Further, the law was expanded in 2009 to legalise abortion in cases of rape, but such a law is allowed for pregnancies only up to six weeks’ gestation.


In most of the situations, abortion is not allowed in Jordan, except-

  1. To save the life of the woman,
  2. To preserve the health of the pregnant woman.
  3. In 1971, a public health law was introduced to allow abortion on the grounds of mental health issues.


In Kuwait, abortion is allowed in the following circumstances:

  1. To preserve the health of the expectant woman.
  2. In cases of foetal impairment.

Please note: To terminate the pregnancy, parental or spousal consent is necessary in Kuwait.

Interesting fact: Kuwait is the first Arab nation in the Persian Gulf to allow abortion.


There are strict laws in Kiribati when it comes to abortion. Here, a woman is only allowed to terminate her pregnancy in case it is necessary to save the life of the woman. If the woman performs it for any other reason, she will be subjected to 10 years of imprisonment, and if a woman performs a self-induced abortion, the penalty is imprisonment for life.


In Lebanon, abortion is not allowed except when it has to be performed to save the mother’s life, i.e., if and only if her health is at risk.


In Lebanon, abortion is not allowed except when it has to be performed if and only if the mother’s health is at risk. It is not allowed, even for women who have been raped.


In Malawi, abortion is not permitted except when the mother’s life is at risk. 


In Mali, a woman can only terminate her pregnancy in the following circumstances:

  1. If it is to safeguard her life.
  2. When the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape or incest.

Even though abortion is very common throughout the country, most of the methods used are unsafe.

Marshall Islands

In Marshall Island, abortion is only allowed if it has to be performed to save the life of the pregnant woman. Further, even if the physician thinks that an abortion will save the life of the woman, she has to obtain the consent of her spouse, must go through counselling and sign a form that gives her consent to use family planning services after the medical procedure. Before any treatment that concerns reproductive health, minors need to get consent from their parents or guardians.


In Micronesia, abortion is only legal if it is done to save the life of the woman.


In Myanmar, abortion is only legal if it is done to save the life of the woman.


In Nigeria, the only legal way to terminate a pregnancy is when the pregnancy will put the life of the mother in danger.


In Oman, one can only terminate their pregnancy when the woman’s life has to be saved. The abortion has to be consented to by the husband. To carry out the termination, they have to obtain certification from multiple registered medical practitioners working in government hospitals that claim and verify that the ongoing pregnancy poses a threat to the woman’s life and that terminating the pregnancy is essential. Also, a marriage registration certificate to prove that the couple is married has to be submitted.

The act of abortion attracts a penalty in Oman. Any woman who is caught buying abortion pills or any individual helping her will be punished. The woman will be punished for 3 months to 3 years. In case the abortion was performed intentionally and against the will of the pregnant woman, the person will be sentenced to imprisonment for up to 5 years.


A pregnancy cannot be terminated in Pakistan unless it has to be done to save the life of the woman and is in ‘good faith’. If performed otherwise, it is a punishable offence that can lead to imprisonment of 3 years or more, depending on the fact, like whether the act was performed with or without obtaining consent from the expectant woman.


In Panama, abortion is legal in the following circumstances only:

  1. To save the life of the mother.
  2. If the pregnancy was a result of rape.
  3. If the pregnancy has incest relations involved.
  4. There was foetal impairment.

If the woman terminates her pregnancy illegally, the punishment is between 1 to 3 years of imprisonment. For the doctor who performs such a procedure, the punishment is 3 to 6 years of imprisonment. If the pregnancy is terminated without obtaining the woman’s consent or in case the woman dies during the procedure, the punishment is 5 to 10 years of imprisonment. If the husband is found guilty of performing such an act, the penalties are increased by one-sixth.

Papua New Guinea

In Papua New Guinea, abortion is only legal when it is necessary to save the mother’s life. If the pregnancy is terminated for any other reason, the violator may have to face 14 years of imprisonment. A woman who performs a self-induced abortion may be imprisoned for 7 years. 

However, Papua New Guinea law gives authority to local courts to take into account the customs and traditions into consideration when it comes to abortion in cases of rape or insect; here, the woman or the individual who performed this activity will not face any charges.


In Paraguay, abortion is illegal except when there is a threat to the life of the woman and when her life is in acute danger. Any individual who performs an abortion can be sentenced to 15 to 30 months of imprisonment. If the act of abortion is carried out without obtaining consent from the woman, the punishment is increased to 2 to 5 years of imprisonment. If, while aborting the child, the death of the woman occurs, the individual carrying out the abortion can be sentenced to between 4 to 6 years of imprisonment and between 5 to 10 years in cases if she did not give her consent for the termination of her pregnancy.


In Peru, abortion is legal only when it has to be performed to save the woman’s life, as the pregnancy poses a threat to her life or her health.


Abortion in Qatar is legal in the following circumstances:

  1. If it is necessary to save the life of the woman.
  2. If there is evidence that the child will be born with deficiencies (both, mental or physical) that cannot be treated and both parents give their consent to terminate the pregnancy.
  3. In case of foetal imprisonment.
  4. If the pregnancy is less than 4 months and will cause serious harm to the woman if continued.

Please note: Abortion has to be recommended by a medical commission comprising three specialists before it can be performed. By law, abortions must be performed in a government hospital.

In some situations, abortion is not allowed whatsoever. Under Qatar’s Penal Code, a woman who induces her abortion or gives consent to terminate her pregnancy can face up to 5 years of imprisonment. Those individuals who perform an unauthorised abortion on a woman may face up to 5 years of imprisonment if it is performed with her consent and up to 10 years if it is performed without her consent.

Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, one can abort their pregnancy only in the following circumstances:

  1. In case there is a risk to the woman’s life.
  2. In cases of foetal impairment.
  3. To protect the physical and mental health of the woman. 
  4. Also, pregnancies arising from incest or rape can be terminated legally under the mental health exemption. 

Please note: If the foetus is more than four months old, approval from specialists, thus claiming that the pregnancy will result in the death of the pregnant woman or may cause severe damage to her health, is required. Further, even the woman and her spouse have to give their assent. 

Interesting fact: In Saudi Arabia, if abortion is performed on a woman except for the aforementioned reasons, the violator may have to pay blood money to the unborn child’s family.

Solomon Islands

In the Solomon Islands, abortion is only legal when it is performed to save the life of the mother. In case abortion is performed for any other reason, the offender may face a lifelong imprisonment sentence. Also, a woman who performs a self-induced abortion may also face a lifelong imprisonment sentence. Any approved abortion needs to be consented to by two physicians as well as the husband of the pregnant woman or next of kin.


In Somalia, abortion is only legal to save the life of the woman.

South Sudan

In South Sudan, abortion is a criminal offence unless it is done in good faith to save the life of the mother.

Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka, abortion is a criminal offence unless it is performed to save the life of the woman.


In Sudan, abortion is legal in the following circumstances:

  1. In case the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape (the woman has to inform the police immediately).
  2. If the woman’s life is at risk.


In Syria, abortion is legal only to save the woman’s life. Parental or spousal consent has to be given before terminating the pregnancy.


In Tanzania, abortion is illegal to preserve the health of the mother. Under the Tanzanian Penal Code, abortion is not allowed except when it has to be performed to preserve the life of the mother. Under the Tanzania Penal Code, health practitioners or individuals who perform illegal abortions may be sentenced to imprisonment of up to 14 years, whereas, those women who procure abortions for themselves may be sentenced to up to 7 years in prison.


In Timor-Leste, any abortion is legal only to preserve the health of the woman. This act requires consent from three physicians. In Timor-Leste, all other acts of abortion are criminal offences, and the individual performing the act and the pregnant woman may face up to 3 years of imprisonment. 


In Tuvalu, abortion is only legal if it is to save the life of the pregnant woman. If it is performed for any other reason, the offender may be subjected to 10 years of imprisonment. A woman who performs an abortion may be imprisoned for life.


In Uganda, no individual is allowed to terminate her pregnancy except as authorised by law. So, abortion is still an offence unless it is performed by a licenced and registered physician to save the life of a woman or to preserve the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), abortion is illegal except when it is necessary to save the life of a woman or if there is a risk to the unborn child, like a genetic condition that may prove to be fatal or if there is a foetal impairment. Spousal authorization is required to terminate the pregnancy. Any woman who has undergone an abortion except in the above circumstances will face a penalty of up to 1 year in prison and a fine of up to Dh 10,000.


In Venezuela, abortion is only allowed when the pregnancy poses a threat to the health of the pregnant woman or is a result of rape or if the foetus cannot survive outside the mother’s womb. In other circumstances, abortion is illegal.


Abortions are only allowed in Yemen to save the life of a pregnant woman, thus making it one of the strictest abortion laws in the Middle East and across the globe.

In these countries, abortion is legal to preserve the pregnant woman’s health.


In Algeria, a Government Bill was issued that proposed to make abortion legal under the following circumstances:

  1. The pregnant woman is psychologically and mentally at risk.
  2. There is a non-viable or severe foetal abnormality or disease.
  3. If the woman continues her pregnancy, her life will be in danger. 

Please note: To abort the child, the woman has to see the doctor and the doctor must obtain the consent of the woman and inform her of the whole situation.


In Angola, abortion is legal only if it is necessary to save the life of the woman or her health. It is only legal in cases of rape or foetal impairments. Under Article 154 of the Penal Code, any abortion performed under different conditions may attract a penalty for the woman and the individual performing it up to 5 years of imprisonment.  


As per the Bahamas Penal Code under Article 315, any person who intentionally and unlawfully causes an abortion or miscarriage will attract imprisonment of up to 10 years. In the Bahamas, abortion is legal in the following circumstances:

  1. There is foetal deformity.
  2. The pregnancy occurred as a result of rape.
  3. The pregnancy occurred through incest relations.
  4. The pregnant woman’s health is at risk.


In Bolivia, abortion is illegal except in the following circumstances:

  1. The pregnancy occurred as a result of rape.
  2. There are incest relations involved.
  3. To protect the health of the woman.


In Bostwana, abortion is only legal if it has to be performed to save the life of the woman or if the pregnancy gravely endangers the woman’s physical or mental health, or in case if it the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape or incest. In Botswana, abortions that meet these requirements must be performed within the first 16 weeks of pregnancy in a government hospital and must be approved by two physicians.


In Cameroon, abortion is legal only to save the life of the pregnant woman, or if the pregnancy endangers her physical or mental health or if the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape.

Central African Republic

In the Central African Republic, abortion is legal only when it is a result of rape or if it has to be performed to save the life of the woman and has to be done through a medical practitioner. There is no explicit mention of such a provision under any law. Any individual who performs an abortion may face up to 5 years of imprisonment along with a fine and the physicians performing it illegally may be at risk of losing their medical license for up to 5 years.


In Chad, abortion was prohibited until December 2016. In 2017, abortion is legal under the following circumstances:

  1. In case of sexual assault. 
  2. In case the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape.
  3. There are incest relations involved.
  4. When the pregnancy endangers the mental or physical health of the life of the mother or the foetus.

Costa Rica

In Costa Rica, abortion is restricted, except when it has to be performed to preserve the physical or mental health of the woman. Abortions are illegal in almost all cases, including when the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape or incest and when the foetus suffers from medical problems or birth defects. The 2013 United Nations Abortion Report states that Costa Rica permits abortions when the woman’s mental health is in question; however, the same is not explicitly mentioned anywhere in the statutes.


In Comoros, abortion is only allowed when it has to be performed to save the health of the pregnant woman.

Democratic Republic of Congo

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, abortion is generally prohibited but can be performed to save the life of the pregnant woman.


In Eritrea, abortion is permitted on the following grounds:

  1. When the pregnancy poses a risk to the life of the pregnant woman.
  2. When the pregnancy poses a risk to the health of the pregnant woman.
  3. When the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape.
  4. When the pregnancy is between incest relations (please note, this is slightly unclear).

Equatorial Guinea

In Equatorial Guinea, abortion is legal to preserve the health of the expectant woman; spousal or parental authorization is required to terminate the pregnancy. 


Abortion in Ghana is allowed in some circumstances like:

  1. The pregnancy was a result of rape, defilement or incest. All these are crimes in themselves in Ghana.
  2. Where the pregnant woman requests an abortion.

In some cases, like when the woman lacks the capacity to request an abortion, the woman’s next of kin may request the same. Say for instance, if she is unconscious and needs immediate medical assistance, which may include abortion, or if she is mentally incapable of making medical decisions (like she has an intellectual disability), or if she is a minor (even though the age of a minority is below 18 years, the legal age to consent is 16 years) in the eyes of the law.

Ivory Coast

In Ivory Coast, abortion is legal only to safeguard the life of the pregnant woman. There has to be consent given by 3 physicians certifying that the life of the woman can only be saved through the termination of the pregnancy.


In Kenya, abortion is prohibited, with the only exception of certain circumstances like-

  1. Threat to the life or health of the expectant mother,
  2. The pregnancy was a result of rape.

Unsafe abortions are one of the major causes of death and health complications for women in Kenya.


In Liberia, abortion is illegal, except in the following cases:

  1. The pregnancy occurred as a result of rape.
  2. There is a foetal abnormality.
  3. There is a risk to the physical or mental health of the woman.

It is important that two physicians provide certification on these exceptions and also certify evidence of rape or incest to the health minister, a county attorney or the police. Illegal abortion may attract a penalty of up to 5 years in prison.


In Liechtenstein, abortion is only legal in the following circumstances:

  1. If the life of the mother is in danger.
  2. If the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape.
  3. If the mother was underage.


In Malaysia, abortion is generally permitted to save the life of the mother or in situations where their physical or mental health is in danger for the first 4 months (approximately 120 days) of gestation.


There is no proper information on abortion laws in Mauritius. Some say it is illegal. Some say it is allowed in the following circumstances:

  1. To preserve the health of the woman.
  2. In case the pregnancy occurred through rape or incest relations.
  3. In cases of foetal impairment.

It is important to seek parental consent for minors.


In Monaco, abortion is only allowed in the following circumstances:

  1. In case the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape.
  2. In cases of foetal deformity.
  3. In case of illness of the pregnant woman.
  4. In case there is fatal damage to the pregnant woman.


In Morocco, at the moment, abortion is prohibited under the Moroccan Penal Code, except when the life of the mother is at risk and it should be performed with the permission of a physician and the spouse. In other cases, if the woman terminated her pregnancy, she could face prison sentences and fines. 


In Niger, a woman can terminate her pregnancy if it occurred as a result of rape or through an incestuous relationship. Further, it is allowed in cases where the continuation of pregnancy endangers the life and health of the pregnant woman or when there is a high probability that the foetus will have a particularly serious condition.


Poland, just like a few other Catholic countries, has strict laws against abortion. Abortion has been illegal since 1993; however, a 2020 ruling by Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal, which came into effect in 2021, removed one of the exceptions to the law, i.e., foetal abnormalities, and imposed a near-total ban on abortion. Now, a woman is only allowed to terminate her pregnancy if her life is in danger (including mental health risk as stated by a psychiatric diagnosis) or if there is a reasonable suspicion that the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest. The eternal time for terminating a pregnancy is 12 weeks; however, abortions are allowed after 12 weeks if continuing the pregnancy would put the life or health of the woman in danger. The pregnancy must be performed in a hospital or clinic with the consent of the pregnant woman and if she is a minor, consent has to be obtained from her parents or guardian.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

In Saint Kitts and Nevis, abortion is legal if the life of the pregnant woman is threatened by the pregnancy. The Infant Life (Preservation) Act states that abortion can be allowed at any stage as long as the procedure is performed “in good faith for the purpose only of preserving the life of the mother“.

Saint Lucia

In Saint Lucia, a woman can terminate her pregnancy when it is necessary to do so to preserve her health. Also, a woman can terminate her pregnancy in cases of rape or incestuous relationships.


Togo has become one of the few American countries that permit abortion on the following grounds:

  1. To preserve the health of the pregnant woman.
  2. In case the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape.
  3. If the pregnancy occurs through an incestuous relationship.
  4. In case there is foetal impairment.

Trinidad and Tobago

In Trinidad and Tobago, abortion is only allowed to preserve the health of the woman.


In Zimbabwe, abortion is allowed if the pregnancy puts the life of the pregnant woman in danger or poses a threat to permanently impair her physical health, if the child could be born with several physical or mental defects or if the foetus was conceived as a result of rape or an incestuous relationship.

In these countries, abortion has been decriminalised and legalised quite recently.

Europe (in some parts)

In some parts of Europe, the right to abortion has been acquired or improved in recent times. For instance, the European microstate of San Marino gave its approval by referendum a little while ago.


The Parliament of Argentina passed legislation that permitted abortion up to the 14th week in December 2020. Before this legislation was passed, abortion was only legal when the victim was impregnated by rape or when the life of the expecting mother was in danger.

New Zealand

New Zealand decriminalised abortion in 2020. Even though most of the Australian federal states legalised abortion by 2018, New South Wales took an additional year to reach this inference.

San Marino

In San Marino, abortion is legal in the first 12 weeks of gestation for any reason. It is also allowed if the pregnancy poses a risk to the life of the woman, or if the foetus has an anomaly that might pose a threat to the health of the woman, or if the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape or incest. In cases of risk to the woman’s life after foetal viability, the pregnancy may also be interrupted by attempting a live birth.

Before 2022, there was a penalty being imposed on any woman who procured an abortion or on any person who helped her and performed the abortion. Although the law did not explicitly mention any exceptions, abortions performed to save a woman’s life were generally permitted by the legal principle of necessity.

South Korea

In 2019, South Korea put an end to the abortion ban, considering it unconstitutional.


In 2018, after a prolonged debate, there was finally a referendum that put an end to abortion in traditionally Catholic Ireland. Termination of pregnancy is allowed only and only if the woman’s life is at risk (including the risk of suicide).

Ireland has voted 5 times in the past 2 decades, only to decide recently to allow women to terminate their pregnancy, if they say they are having suicidal thoughts. This is one of the loopholes the government and Catholic Church wanted to resolve.


Abortion in Laos was totally banned until 2021; however, the law now allows abortion in the following cases:

  1. The pregnant woman has major health issues like heart disease, blood diseases, mental health issues, cancer, and kidney disease, among others named in the legislation.
  2. The pregnant woman is a member of a low-income family.
  3. The pregnant woman has more than 4 children already.
  4. The pregnant woman is below the age of majority.
  5. The foetus has an intellectual disability or has been exposed to poison or over 15 rads of radiation.
  6. The foetus was otherwise lost.
  7. The pregnancy was a result of rape or birth control failure.


Mexico in September 2021 declared an abortion ban as unconstitutional, thus paving the way for laws on abortion in the nation’s 32 federal states. Further, Mexico’s southern state of Guerrero, on May 18, 2022, decriminalised abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, becoming the eighth region in the conservative Latin American country to do so. However, the laws may vary from state to state. Generally, it is allowed in the following circumstances:

  1. In case the pregnancy occurred through rape.
  2. In case there are foetal abnormalities.

Please note: In Mexico, there is a federal system where abortion laws are ascertained at the state level. This classification reflects the legal status of abortion laws for the largest group of people.

You might wonder, are there any countries where abortion is completely banned? So yes, there do exist such laws. Mentioned below are the states where abortion is severely restricted or banned completely.


Abortion in Andorra is illegal in all cases, meaning there is a total ban on abortion in this country.


Abortion is illegal in Aruba.

Congo (Brazzaville)

In Congo (Brazzaville), abortion is not permitted in any circumstance.


In Curaçao, terminating a pregnancy is forbidden by law.

Dominican Republic

In the Dominican Republic, abortion is illegal under all circumstances, including when the life of the pregnant woman or girl is in danger. 


In Egypt, abortion is banned generally. However, there is an exception that permits abortion if it is necessary to save the pregnant woman’s life.

El Salvador

Abortion is a crime in El Salvador, which has some of the world’s most restrictive laws. They prohibit abortion even when pregnancy endangers a woman’s life or health or in cases of rape. The procedure has been banned without exception since 1998. More than 180 women who experienced obstetric emergencies were prosecuted for abortion or aggravated homicide in the last 20 years. Women accused of having had abortions have been convicted of homicide, sometimes with prison terms of up to 40 years, according to Human Rights Watch.


In Gabon, abortion is illegal for now. However, the government has proposed new laws to support gender equality. One of these proposed laws states that women should be allowed to terminate their pregnancies beyond the current limit of 10 weeks into pregnancy in cases of rape, incest or when there is a risk to the mother’s life.


In Haiti, abortion is prohibited altogether, which is why women, at times, have been resorting to dangerous ways to terminate unwanted pregnancies.


The process of abortion is completely restricted under any circumstance. The same has been the case since 1982.


In Iran, abortion is effectively banned, except for some exceptions. The renewed law puts the power to give permission for terminating a pregnancy  in the hands of a panel consisting of a judge, medical doctor and forensic doctor, rather than on the pregnant women, supported by the medical doctor in cases of-

  1. Therapeutic abortion,
  2. Threat to the life of the pregnant woman, or 
  3. Foetal anomalies.


In Iraq, abortion is not allowed except in cases of rape or incest. As per Islamic teachings, women are forbidden from foetal killings except when the pregnancy is proved to be a high risk to the pregnant woman and when such situations arise, induced abortion may be allowed.


In Jamaica, aborting a pregnancy is considered a felony. The pregnant woman who terminated her pregnancy and the individual helping her in the activity will be prosecuted as per the law.


Abortion in Madagascar is illegal and the person who commits such an offence will be prosecuted severely. 


In Malta, women are strictly denied access to abortion, even when their lives are in jeopardy. It is the only European Union state that forbids this process of abortion. In Malta, women who have an abortion face imprisonment from 18 months to 3 or 4 years in jail.

However, recently, the Maltese lawmakers, in a unanimous decision, approved a law to ease up this strict law. They voted to allow abortion in Malta in cases where the woman’s life is in danger.

Please note: The abortion will be carried out only after obtaining the consent of three specialists, thus agreeing that the termination is necessary or the woman’s life will be at risk.


In Mauritania, abortion is illegal in all circumstances.


In Nicaragua, abortion is completely illegal. Before November 2006, there was a provision that allowed termination of pregnancies for therapeutic reasons, but this clause is no longer in effect.


Abortion in Palau is illegal, except on medical grounds.

Please note: The medical grounds on which such an act is allowed are not stated explicitly anywhere.


Abortion in the Philippines is illegal. Physicians and midwives who perform such an act may face imprisonment up to 6 years and the woman who gives consent for abortion may also face imprisonment between 2 and 6 years.


Abortion laws are a little unclear in Senegal. Generally, as per the Criminal Code of the country, abortion is illegal altogether; however, as per the Code of Medical Ethics, a woman can be allowed to terminate her pregnancy if 3 doctors testify that the procedure is necessary to save the life of the pregnant woman.

Sierra Leone

In Sierra Leone, abortion is illegal presently; however, a Bill has been passed to upturn this, decriminalise abortion, and overturn the country’s colonial-era law.


In Suriname, abortion is illegal, except in cases where the pregnancy poses a threat to the life or health of the pregnant woman. The woman who consents to terminate the pregnancy is subject to up to 3 years of imprisonment, and the penalty for the doctor, medical practitioner or individual performing such a procedure is imprisonment of up to 4 years.


In Tonga, abortion is severely restricted by criminal law, as almost all abortions are illegal. Only medical authorities can terminate a pregnancy by citing the preservation of maternal health.

United States

After the US Supreme Court overturned the judgement of Roe v. Wade, abortion being legal in the United States varies from state to state. Since 2022, around 14 states have enacted near-total abortion bans, while 2 states (Georgia and South Carolina) have banned abortion past roughly six weeks of pregnancy. Other states have enacted laws or held ballot referendums to protect abortion rights. For state-wise information, check out this article.

West Bank & Gaza Strip

Abortion is prohibited in the West Bank by the Jordan Penal Code under Articles 321–325. Whereas, in Gaza, it is prohibited by the Criminal Code of 1936 under Articles 175–177.

A general perspective

As observed above, the Supreme Court of the United States put an end to the constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy last year, and around 62% of adults are of the opinion that abortion should be considered legal in all or most of the cases. On the other hand, Poland stands out among those European countries surveyed for its residents’ having more conservative views when compared with the opinions of other Europeans. Over half of Poles (56%) advocate that abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 36% express their belief that it should be considered illegal in all or most cases.

However, attitudes about legalising abortion vary from state to state and region to region. Individuals in the Asia-Pacific region believe that it should be legal in all or most of the cases in Australia, India, Japan and South Korea; however, in Indonesia, 83% of adults claim that abortion should be considered illegal in all or most of the cases. Further, in Israel, about 51% of adults are of the opinion that abortion should be legal in all or most of the cases, whereas, 42% argue that it should be prohibited in all or most cases. However, among the three African countries surveyed in this survey—Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa—the majority of the population was in favour of making abortion illegal in all or most cases, with 89% of Kenyan adults and 92% of Nigerian adults expressing this view. In South America, opinions regarding the legality of abortion are divided between Argentina and Mexico. Conversely, in Brazil, seven out of ten adults assert that abortion should be illegal in all or most cases.

Abortion rules are more restrictive in countries where support for legal abortion tends to be lower. Abortions in Brazil, Indonesia and Nigeria are only permitted when a woman’s life is at risk, according to the Center for Reproductive Rights. In Israel, Kenya and Poland, abortion is permitted to preserve the health of the woman. Most other countries surveyed have more permissive regulations that allow abortions up to a specific point during the pregnancy.

A gender-based perspective on abortion

Gender also plays a major role in the views of abortion, even though these differences are not as large or well-known as ideological and religious differences. As per a survey, in seven countries like Australia, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Sweden, the UK and the U.S., women have shown a notably higher tendency than men to support the legalisation of abortion in all or most of the cases. In an additional six countries in Europe and North America, women also exhibit more inclination than men to support the belief that abortion should be legalised in all circumstances. Contrarily, in Hungary, India, Indonesia, and Poland, as well as all the African and Latin American countries surveyed, men and women have more or less similar views on abortion.

While reviewing the legality of abortion in about 200 countries across the globe, we can certainly say that abortion laws vary significantly worldwide. As highlighted, most of the countries support and permit abortion on the following 6 grounds:

  1. Risk to life of the pregnant woman.
  2. The pregnancy occurred as a result of rape or sexual abuse.
  3. There are serious foetal anomalies.
  4. There is a risk to the physical and/or mental health of the pregnant woman.
  5. On social and/or economic grounds.
  6. On request.

Such a comprehensive overview throws light on the nuanced and diverse approaches taken by countries regarding rights and access to abortion. Understanding the six grounds on which abortion is permitted in various jurisdictions emphasises the complex intersection of legal, ethical, and societal factors influencing reproductive healthcare globally.

This exploration serves as a valuable resource, offering insights into the legal frameworks that shape access to abortion services worldwide. It is a reminder of the importance of recognising and respecting individuals’ autonomy and rights to make informed choices about their reproductive health.

As readers engage with this information, it is hoped that this article has provided valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of abortion laws across the world. By understanding these legal nuances, we aim to promote informed discussions, advocate for comprehensive reproductive healthcare, and support ongoing efforts to ensure equitable access to safe and legal abortion services globally.

May this article serve as a catalyst for continued dialogue, awareness, and advocacy towards securing reproductive rights for all individuals. Happy reading and let us continue to work towards a world where reproductive autonomy is respected and protected.

What does it mean when one says abortion is legal in a particular country?

Legalising abortion in a particular country means the country is permitted to terminate a pregnancy in some circumstances. Such laws mention the conditions, the time period known as the gestational limit and the procedure wherein abortion can be carried out legally.

Are there any international laws and/or agreements that talk about abortion rights?

There are several international human rights institutions, like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and treaties like the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, that recognise reproductive rights, including access to safe abortion in certain circumstances. However, interpretations and implementation of these rights depend upon the laws of that particular country.

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