How to squeeze in self-care activities during a busy week

This article has been written by Tanavee Sharma pursuing a Diploma in Strategic HR for Startups and Emerging Industries course from LawSikho and edited by Shashwat Kaushik.

Some of us are really busy with work, our schedules, and appointments, and I totally get that, but that doesn’t mean our health has to suffer because our health is the real money, right? But to live a happy life, work is necessary. However, it’s not just about work; it’s about working with passion. Working with passion and excitement can bring you more satisfaction and peace in your work life. This way, you won’t feel tired during a busy week.

In this article, I am sharing some really wonderful and simple ways to do “self-care” in this busy life. You can do each of those things in as little as 5-10 minutes.

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Self-care is a mindset and a habit that involves taking care of ourselves, including our physical, mental and emotional health. Physical health includes getting good sleep, eating balanced meals, etc. Mental health includes the ability to process information and emotional health is how you express feelings. 

Physical Health:

  • Getting enough sleep.
  • Eating a healthy diet.
  • Exercising regularly.
  • Managing stress.
  • Avoiding harmful substances (e.g., tobacco, alcohol, drugs).

Mental Health:

  • The ability to process information.
  • The ability to cope with stress.
  • The ability to maintain relationships.
  • The ability to make decisions.
  • The ability to manage emotions.

Emotional Health:

  • How you express your feelings.
  • How you cope with difficult emotions.
  • How you relate to others.
  • How you feel about yourself.

It is important to maintain a balance between physical, mental, and emotional health. When one area is out of balance, it can affect the others. For example, if you are not getting enough sleep, it can make it difficult to concentrate and make decisions, which can lead to stress and emotional problems.

There are many things you can do to improve your overall health and well-being. Some simple tips include:

  • Get regular checkups with your doctor
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Exercise regularly
  • Get enough sleep
  • Manage stress
  • Spend time with loved ones
  • Do things you enjoy

If you are struggling with your physical, mental, or emotional health, it is important to seek help from a qualified professional. A therapist can help you identify the root of your problems and develop coping mechanisms to help you manage them.

It involves taking care of our health, mind and heart, just like we care for others. When we become busy in life, it’s hard to give ourselves time. That’s why it’s important to treat ourselves as we would treat a friend and engage in positive self-talk to boost our confidence. We can be our own motivators and find easy ways to practise self-care when life gets hectic. But don’t worry; there are some easy ways to practise self-care.

Pause and take five deep breaths

To relax ourselves, we should take 4-5 deep breaths. In this way, the blood circulation in our body works more easily. After breathing exercises, we feel relaxed and fresh in our minds. To do breathing exercises, you need a clean and open-air space that helps to make you feel relaxed. You should wear comfortable clothes so that you can breathe without any disruption. And it would be best if you sat in a comfortable seat. You can play some meditation tunes, which can make you feel relaxed. Deep inhaling and exhaling are powerful techniques to remove anxiety or stress.

Drink a full glass of water

When you are busy at work, it is easy to forget to drink water. So, to avoid this, you can create a designated spot for a water bottle in your work area. Drinking enough water will not only improve your digestion and make your skin look healthy but it will also boost your brain activity. It’s important to drink only clean water and to avoid other drinks. So, don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink water. Make a conscious effort to drink water regularly to keep your body functioning properly.

Journal yourself

What is journaling? Journaling is the practise of writing down your thoughts, wishes, plans, etc. that come into your mind. This can be extremely helpful in processing and understanding your feelings, especially when you are experiencing anxiety or sadness.

What to write in a journal: You can write about your fears and triggers. That way, you can control them with a positive mindset. You can also write about the things that you want to improve about yourself, about your accomplishments in life and about your long term vision for where you want to be. You can write these questions in a journal, like what you love about yourself, what are the best things in your life right now, etc. This way, if you ask yourself these questions, you can get to know yourself better.

Spend 5 minutes out in the sun

We all need to get sunlight for our bodies. Doctors also suggest that staying in sunlight for 5 minutes is good for our health. It gives us vitamin D. By spending at least 5 minutes in direct sunlight each day, we can ensure that our bodies are receiving an adequate amount of this important vitamin. It helps the body to absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus. It can reduce cancer cell growth and help control infection. All vitamins are important for us to be safe from diseases.

Go for a walk, be in your peaceful place

In a busy week, you should take time to go for a walk. Walking can relax your mind and body. Your mind focuses on natural surroundings like birds, sky, trees, etc. You can also choose places where you can sit and feel relaxed, and simply enjoy your peaceful sitting. For example, you might choose a park bench, a quiet corner of your home, or a spot by a river or lake. Once you’ve found a comfortable spot, take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. Focus on the feeling of your body relaxing, and let go of any tension or stress. You might also want to try to clear your mind of all thoughts or simply focus on a single positive thought or image. After a few minutes, open your eyes and take a few more deep breaths. Notice how you feel calmer and more relaxed. If you find that your mind wanders while your sitting, don’t worry. Simply bring your attention back to your breath or your body. With practise, you’ll be able to sit for longer periods of time and experience a deeper sense of relaxation.

Listen to your favourite song, watch your favourite movie and learn new skills

When you listen to your favourite song, it has the power to make you smile and create a vibe in your head. 

It’s the same as watching your favourite movie; it makes you feel relaxed and happy. You can also spend time learning your favourite new skills, like how to play the piano, etc. The possibilities are endless. It’s up to you to decide how you want to spend your time.

Take a challenge to face your fears, just for one minute

Suppose you have a fear of public speaking. You can control your fear by facing it. When you face the fear, at the beginning of it, you will feel more fear but after completing 1 minute, it will be more manageable. I personally believe that taking small challenges creates major affective differences in life, not only in life but also in our personalities.

If you face your fear for one minute, it can be a life changing experience. I suggest you take small steps towards taking on challenges because, when you do something brave enough, you will get to know yourself amazingly.

Talk to yourself and always appreciate yourself by saying pleasant words

Pleasant words like I’m enough, I’m doing great in my life, I’m getting better every day, I’m more than my thoughts, I am so grateful for everything that I have, I am blessed with love, family and friends, etc. are very helpful. When you say these words again and again on a daily basis, you’ll feel the amazing difference in your belief system. You will feel less anxious and less mentally stressed. You will feel light in your heart and mind. We all should take time to talk to ourselves.

There are two types of self-talk. Positive self-talk and negative self-talk. But what is more important and helpful for us is to indulge in positive self-talk. Positive self-talk is like the bright side of you. It creates a beautiful place for yourself. It encourages you to believe in yourself more. It motivates you to fulfil your dreams, desires and goals.

Talk to your loved ones or to your best friends

When you start spending time with your loved ones, they make you feel relaxed. You eat and spend time together, talk with each other and get to know everyone. As we talk, we express our emotions. After expressing our thoughts, we become calm and relaxed.

Our family is the backbone. With their help and support, we can easily face any challenges in life. Being with them will automatically lower your stress, as it diverts your mind from a busy to a relaxed position.

Date yourself (love yourself in all ways)

There are many beautiful ways to do this, such as going out wherever you love to, eating what you like, doing what you want to do, wearing your favourite dress, and enjoying your life. You can go on adventures, visit hills and rivers, and enjoy your favourite food and clothes without worrying about others.

Don’t wait for the right time to celebrate your efforts. It all depends on mindset. You are free to do anything.

Learn to say no

Build a habit of saying no. If something or someone is not important to you in life, just make yourself free from toxic people. It’s okay to be selfish and take care of yourself. You are your own guide and motivator. You can definitely do anything in life by yourself.

Surround yourself with skilled and positive people

You are a calm person because you choose to be surrounded by skilled and positive people. When your surroundings motivate you to upgrade your skills, you grow. When you meet with your friends, you’ll discuss new ideas and talk about skills, which will lead to your overall growth. Skilled and determined people are generally helpful in a lot of ways. They also teach us how to stay positive and how to not get demotivated.

Spend money on yourself

When you are happy with yourself, nothing can make you feel bored. Also, when you spend money on yourself, it is a sign of independence. Everybody loves to spend money on themselves. This is also a way to show love to yourself. However, it’s important not to overspend; otherwise, it can lead to stress. When you buy something, it releases dopamine, which is related to pleasure and happiness.

There are various ways to spend money on oneself, such as by travelling,  learning new skills, shopping, helping needy people, or going on an adventure. By doing so, we feel satisfied and calm.


All of these ways describe that surrounding yourself with loved ones is a powerful way to avoid feeling like a workaholic. This can be achieved by creating a balance between your personal and professional lives. You can achieve this balance by prioritising your time. You are the writer and creator of your story. So, create the life you want to live.

Imagine you are the lucky one, where all good things come to you and everything works out for you. Once you start loving yourself and living openly, you’ll never feel too busy or tired from work.

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