Microsoft Finally Stops Edge Browser From Copying Chrome Tabs Without Your Permission

Last Updated: February 21, 2024, 08:00 IST

Microsoft claims it has fixed the bug issue with Edge browser

Microsoft faced complaints from Edge users who noticed their Chrome data copied without taking their permission. Here’s the reason that happened.

Microsoft made a big goof up recently where Edge browser was picking up tabs from Chrome without taking consent from the users. The company blamed the issue on a bug that was inadvertently copying data from the Chrome browser.

But now Microsoft has finally confirmed that the issue has been fixed, which means the Edge browser will only pick up data from Chrome if you give it the consent to do so. It all started when reports alleged that Edge copied Chrome tabs for some users after they updated to the latest Windows version and opened it on the Edge browser.

Edge has a built-in feature which is supposedly there to help users and make it easy for them to move data and other details from Chrome if they ever decide to jump the browser ship. It helps when you want to move passwords, website history and cookies to make it easy to transfer content without starting from scratch. This plugin had a bug which caused this issue for weeks, and now the latest version of Edge browser from Microsoft confirms that the problem has been fixed.

Microsoft doesn’t allow copying of tabs unless the user wants to import the tabs and other personal details from other browsers. Incidents like these don’t help Microsoft’s cause, which is already lagging behind Chrome in the browser market, even though its browser is well equipped.

Stealing tabs from one browser is a major red flag on its own, and doing so after a random update makes it even more worrying. We’re pleased that Microsoft has admitted to the bug and quickly resolved the problem before it raises a major alarm among its users.

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