First iPhone Was Unveiled By Steve Jobs In January 17 Years Ago, Rest Is History

Last Updated: January 10, 2024, 18:31 IST

Steve Jobs unveiled the first iPhone 17 years ago in January

Steve Jobs was instrumental in the revival of Apple during which he changed the industry in the post-PC era as many call it.

Steve Jobs has been a tech giant for a long time but his name was etched in the history books when he unveiled the first iPhone in front of the world. And guess what, Jobs made the history-making announcement in January 17 years ago. Jobs is credited with reviving Apple, which was once on the verge of shutting down.

But having iPhones in his credit list is undeniable and the whole world relives the day when the Apple chief stood up on the stage and showcased the “post-PC era” in front of the world. The first-ever iPhone was revealed on January 9, 2007 just two days after Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates was talking about his products at an event in the United States.

Jobs even used the famous line, “We’re going to make some history together today,” which they clearly did, which is testament to his foresight and eye on technology that will live for years or even decades to come. Innovation has been part of Apple’s ideology and Jobs was at the centre of these changes.

The iPhones you saw with Jobs at helm in the early days were running on the OS X which is now seen as macOS on MacBooks and iMacs in the market. iOS came about with the need to reinvent the use of mobile devices, which later gave birth to the iPads. Tim Cook now leads Apple into the next era, which includes the new Vision Pro headset that focuses on mixed reality.

The company has also started making its own silicone for Macs, in addition to the A-series chip we have seen on the iPhones for many years. And last but not the least, foldables is another avenue that Apple is yet to tap into but its entry feels inevitable by now.

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